Awww kay, this is what happened today, two strangers came to my house and were sent to my house's jail. After i came back from school, i go straightly to the jail to see whether how the strangers look like. They are cute!! Gray furred !! Big round eyes!! And so...........
It's then the worst thing happened, i let one of them out of the jail and yet it runs, very fast, and because of its slippery body, i couldn't catch hold of it, and it took me some time to catch it back. If i didn't catch it back in time, i'm afraid that it might be arrested by our house's security guard......and it'll end being eliminated, phew~=='''
This is a picture of them
Don't show me that face!!i'm not going to let you out anymore!!!XDDD
Cute rabbit x3 =D
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