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=..='''' I've been lacking of studies in this one week holidays......
And as a result, my brain is rusting~
Oh damn!! I'm going to have my chemistry test, BM and the SPM physic test tomorrow!!
GOSH!!! Notice that i haven't touched any of them O.o'''
What can i do? What can i do? =.='''''
Well, i can just blame myself for being lazy, being reluctant...
~~~~John is prepared to be failed~~~~
But he'll not! He's going to learn them NOW!!!!
So he starts to learn now......
God Bless me~
Bless me~
p.s:Spm is around the corner!~T.T Got to start my revision(revision?._. you'll know what i meant if you am i~) as quick as possible.
Okay! Suddenly realize that i have not been updating my blogspot for one week~ So here i came!!
At first, i had been disappearing the previous 3 days~because i joined the school's Sex Education Camp~ i must said that,it really was a good experience, it really taught me a lot~Happy though it killed my precious holiday hours~
okay~~there's something i want to say here is Senior Science 2!!! i'd long been frustrated about some students in this class!! oh damn !! I had tried the hardest i can do to control myself, control myself of not being to rush, to over-tempered!!! I'd tried all my best you know~!! But i'm not so sure when my mouth really burst out of fcking mean words !! You guys had really really frustrate me a lot for being so haolian, paying no respect to others! You guys really are sucks!! Always self-centered !!
I know most of you are PREFECTS~~~~~~ YA! That's really is a fact~ but you ain't PERFECT okay!!!! Please think deeply before you criticize someone okay!! Ask yourself first! Do you really behave yourself?!
hahah~~after waiting for almost 20+mins~~
Finally i received a reply from the PLKN, it's a pity that i'm nt so lucky........T.T
I'm not chosen to join the PLKN!!!!!!! Geezzz~~ I was like WT! HEY IM NT CHOSEN!! Yipee!!!
The massage was like this~RM0.20:PLKN:Maaf!(hahah~no need maaf maaf one lar!i can't wait to thank you,you maaf what leh~still typing the exclamation mark for what~HAHAHA?) "i.c no."tidak terpilih menyertai PLKN Siri 6/2009.Jika berminat,sila hubungi Jabatan di talian 03-26873400. Terima Kasih. (your head lar, who will be interested about something like that leh XPPP)
To fellows who are 17 years old from Malaysia, if you want to know about the result on you'll be chosen or not~~type "PLKN semak *i.c no*" send to 15888~~that's all~~
Good luck~~
hehe! isn't it beautiful? i made them by myself!!! XDDD

terms of condition:need to be in S1 to S3
p.s:we have more activities that are more interesting and fun than what you see here^^
Okay! I'm totally lost now!! Can anyone tells me what's the time, the day, the month or even the year now? Or could anyone tells me how old i am? Geezzzz!!!! I'm really blur now!! All because that i'm 17 now!! And i heard about that i'm going to have my Gov. test (SPM) this year end!!! I still haven't study or revise any of it!! Waliu A!! What can i do?? Help me GOD!!(totally desperate!!)
Hey!!! But what can the certificate of SPM really do!!?? I ADMIT THAT IT'S USEFUL IN MALAYSIA!BUT IT'S ALMOST USELESS IN THE FOREIGN COUNTRIES!!(while UEC is useless in Malaysia but it's concerned by the world!Only you Malaysia!!Who refuse it!Only you!IS THIS RACISM!!!???But my teachers told me that having two or more certificates really have their advantages~
Furthermore I believe that most of the companies no matter which countries they in, or what companies they are all employed only people who have the certificate that proved their "knowledge"!!As many certificates a person owns, the better that he or she be put in a higher position or higher salary than those who has less certificates!! But hey!! Ain't studies nowadays proved that most of the companies not only want students who have certificate(s) but they also want them to have a good personalities, talented skills, sociable and BLA BLA BLA~But the major thing they need are still the "paper qualifications"!! It's reality and it's sarcastic!!
But being an employee really cannot owns much money although they are in their highest position due to that their salary is fixed early already~And it's not guaranteed that you'll always sitting on the highest position, because when there is a person that his or her position is lower than you but is talented or smarter or creative than you~ YOU'LL END IN BEING FIRED! OR YOU'RE POSITION WILL BEING DROPPED! Especially like those who are the CEOs of the companies, if they are useless to the companies, they will be fired! THE PERSON WHO HIRED YOU CAN ALSO FIRED!!
On the other hand, being an entrepreneur or an employer a person who employs people, he or she can earn much more money and the money they own is unpredictable!! To be or not to be, that's all depends on what you wanted to be, you want to be fired or you want to hire or employ?
p.s: i'm telling the fact! It's reality! If any of you bei song or offend to my article, you can comment,or criticize me, but before you criticize, i hope that you'll have a good reason(s) or fact(s) not only by saying that i'm wrong! Thank you for your cooperations =]